Following an invitation from reader and fellow Government webby Christian, I took part in the Scottish Government‘s ‘Digital Summit’ seminar for the organisation’s communications teams in Edinburgh yesterday.

It was a great, and highly sophisticated discussion with an excellent personal intro to social media from Rory Paterson of Mediacom Edinburgh, and my first exposure to Will McInnes and Murray Cox of NixonMcInnes (a specialist social media agency who undoubtedly know their stuff and are friendly chaps to boot). My slides, based on the Tower09 talk I did recently with a few extra examples, are now online:

Courtesy of the ever-accurate Seat61, I took the Caledonian Sleeper train up to Edinburgh (passing on the ‘light supper of haggies, tatties and neeps‘, I’m must admit) and popped into Scotland’s answer to Lloyd’s Tuttle Club: the Edinburgh Coffee Morning genially hosted by Mike Coulter where I met the inspiring Con Morris of Learning & Teaching Scotland. The glorious Edinburgh sunshine – a shock to pretty much all involved – inspired me to boo my reflections:

Thanks to Christian for the invite, and to Claire, Catherine, Sarah and Roger from the Scottish Government for organising the event.

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